Role of a Climate Change Charity That You Support

You are sure to hear of global warming and shifts in weather patterns. This has become a topic of conversation lately. However, it is time to sit up and take notice. Being indifferent or a passive observer will only make you side with people who have unleashed a terrible time on future generations as well as the planet itself. You may strive to do your best by employing certain practices that are not to prevent carbon footprints from marring the atmosphere. The effort of individuals may not be enough. It is time to consider teaming up or supporting a climate change charity of repute. Charities are known to take up such causes for the benefit of the entire human populace. Moreover, you will be satisfied to win support, guidance, and moral advice from such organizations that may work for profit or call themselves NGOs with a mission.

Why involve a climate change charity?

It is quite obvious from the news that climate change is rapidly taking place all over the world. Being informed and taking no steps is not going to work. Well, as an individual you must do your bit too. Some of the steps that you must ensure at home as well as the workplace must include the following:

  • Spread awareness-  Speaking up about the issue to your friends and family. You may also use social media to keep the populace well aware of the looming threat that may affect your children and their children after a few years. You may make an effort to connect with the elected representatives and strive to change some laws that give a free hand to business owners to use natural resources rampantly without caring about the dangers of abusing the climatic conditions.
  • Renewable Energy– Consider going off the grid thus avoiding the use of traditional energy. It helps to contact an energy provider that offers alternative energies such as solar and/or wind power. This will enable you to do your bit for the environment by negating adding to the carbon footprints in the atmosphere.
  • Insulation– It is advisable to limit the usage of a pricey HVAC system by ensuring proper insulation to keep out the drafts. Having a home energy audit done will reveal the areas that you may rectify to up the energy efficiency.

While you must do your best to thwart the impending climate change, charitable organizations have a greater role to play. The charities that work continuously to rid the planet of this problem often resort to the following measures:-

  • Develop a sustainability strategy
  • Regular review and Update the  policies
  • Select the vendors & suppliers wisely to ensure accountability and transparency in all activities
  • Consider energy efficiency and reduce energy waste by building climate awareness in the charity organization

While you are welcome to become a part of a climate change charity and work together to lower the risks of climate change, you may also decide to educate the masses about the benefits of supporting such a cause or start a fundraising campaign in favor of it.


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